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        Pleasant Home Community Church was first established in 1897. It has a long history of biblical faithfulness which has continued today through the expository preaching of God’s Word.


        If you visit one of our services, you will notice that we like to keep things simple. We worship our Savior, study His Word, and enjoy sweet fellowship with one another. We are not about flashy church growth strategies or entertaining our members. We are about knowing God, making Him known, and enjoying the common salvation we have with the saints of Christ. If you are looking for a church that holds to the inerrancy, infallibility, and sufficiency of Scripture, we invite you to come and worship with us.


What to expect when you visit:


  • You will be greeted by a friendly group of believers.

  • Children’s Church is offered for Nursery (0-2yrs) through 5th grade

    • Nursery-Pre-K classes will meet throughout the service

    • Kindergarten-5th grades are dismissed after worship

  • Most wear casual to dressy-casual attire.

  • Worship will include a mixture of old hymns, modern hymns, and select contemporary worship music.

  • The preaching will be expository (from the Bible), and you will be challenged, encouraged, and edified.

  • After service, we invite you to stick around and fellowship with one another.


Please contact us if you would like to know more about the church. We would love to answer any questions you may have.



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